Saturday, March 20, 2010

Steve T. Brenner Writes an Awesome Blog

I live with Emerson and Justin. We're going on like two years now, which is a pretty good record. We've seen both a winter and summer Olympics, and that's more than my Uncle Patrick and his wife can say. She was like twenty years younger than him. I don't think he watched the Olympics anyway. Emerson is cool. He's handsome and has this great tie collection. Justin can cause a little bit of friction.

Case in point: I think Justin took my copy of Muppet Treasure Island. I'll never see it again, because a) he's way too cool to admit he liked it, and b) if there ever was a fight, he could take both Emerson and me. I imagine one of those situations where I fall and hit my head just right on the corner of the coffee table and even though it was an accident he gets charged with manslaughter. Then he'd be sorry he took that VHS. Yes, it was a VHS. The point it, he wouldn't hesitate to fight us. It's not the same relationship anymore.

Man, that felt good. It felt good to let that out, especially the part about the friction between Justin and Emerson. Sometimes I feel like we ignore that like I ignored the monster under my bed. I never told my parents, and that's something I've regretted everyday. If I had, maybe my cat would still be alive. That's why I write this blog. I'm letting these things out. I'm telling you about my life and my friends. Frank suggested it. He said I needed someone to talk to, so I chose a computer.

We don't get along as well as we used to, but we look great together. We're hipsters. And, okay, maybe I'm exaggerating with the friction. We still have house dinners, and though it's been a long time since we had a band practice, we could rock hard if given the chance. Our band name is Megaphlexx. Well, that was the one I chose. It's funny, because it's ridiculous. They really didn't go for it.

I had to type the word havelgoins to create a blog. I guess they had to make sure I wasn't a robot, because robots can't read words written in the shape of a rainbow. I thought it was fortuitous, because I used to have a beta fish named Havelgoins. Actually, he was named Scott and he died of fish food poisoning, but his Confirmation name was Havelgoins. He was Catholic.

Today Justin, Em and I went to this Vietnamese restaurant. We were the only people there, besides our waitress and a man I think was her father. He sat in a corner booth and watched me eat. Afterwards, I broke open my fortune cookie and there were four fortunes inside. Four fortunes! I am either very lucky, or cursed, and I'm pretty sure I was cursed by that seven fingered gypsy lady I almost hit when I was leaving my high school parking lot for open lunch. One paper slip said "Draw near to your family." It seemed like an empty threat from the waitress's father, so I ignored it. The second one said, "Your most memorable dream will come true." Highly doubt that, unless there really is an iceberg made of cherry jello floating somewhere in the North Atlantic.

But the third and fourth said, "Friends will prove their loyalty in the coming days." I like that one. I like my friends, and though I call Justin a tool nice guy behind his back, I like to think they're all loyal. And that's probably what this blog is about.

I'd love it if you came back every once and a while. Heck, I'd love it if you read at all. I'll talk a little more about my friends, and maybe I can convince a few to guest blog. I know Justin will. He talks all the time.

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